2019 Halloween At The Academy

And the day started so well. Another @theacademymn Halloween đŸ‘» party. Took me about 30 minutes for this one. I always love the looks driving to The Academy đŸ˜†

Categories Fun

You Can Observe A Lot By Watching

Watching soldiers doing CQB with the then Commanding General United States Army Maneuver Center of Excellence Fort Benning. Now retired from the Army, he established The Fettiter Group LLC using “Hands-On inspired Leadership.” He uses the fundamentals of BJJ to teach how to overcome any obstacle and develop high performance teams. He is a black belt in BJJ. Also watching with Kris Perkins, a retired NCO with multiple tours of combat and awards for valor under fire. Kris is a BJJ black belt and was one of the first 5 Modern Army Combatives Black Belts under Matt Larsen. It has always been an honor to work the Military (Air Force, Army, Marines and Navy) and help with Combatives in any way. I have met some of the best people I know in the military. I have learned a lot and it has also broadened my perspective on Combatives and self defense.

Father Daughter

‘You can do anything with my daughter that I will allow you to do with me’’ is what I said when she was younger. Now, I just shake the young mans hand and wish him luck because my daughter is cunning and smart… and the bullet he now has in his hand is the one he’ll see, and I have an alibi. @ninanelsonn love you! đŸ˜

Whirly Whirl

2 ways to get the ‘Whirly Whirl’ First, sleeves control to an arm drag and jump or second, from 50/50 to the arm drag and jump. Such a simple move, the most technical part is the arm drag and then jump and let gravity do the rest. I like takedowns that allow me to stay on top, never having to under anyone, and if you are stopped you don’t sacrifice position. Also, I originally was shown this via Greco Roman Wrestling, so it works no Gi as well. Going to the WHIRLY WHIRL!

Life Is A Trip, Enjoy The Ride

Life is a trip. Enjoy the ride. The martial arts lifestyle has been a true blessing. See the world, stay healthy and be happy doing what I love.

Sparring With An Invisible Opponent

We are all ‘Sparring with an invisible opponent’ of some sort. Be it emotionally, mentally, physically…or all of them coming at you full out. Since I was a kid, one thing has been a constant, training. Before I started sports I was constantly on the go. Once I started sports the ‘go’ was more directed: rope climbing, swimming, track & field, basketball, soccer, gymnastics, wrestling, water skiing, snow skiing…I liked practice and competing! As I started martial arts it was simply an extension of my sports, another form of training. OnceI started competing I wanted to win, so that meant more and harder training. I started to love to push myself and began doing more training on my own. Training became a habit. I learned early on that all you have to do is get up and start…just get up and start! My desire push myself became part of my character, who I was and wanted others to see. I had 26 years of training, competing, Fighting and getting my ass kicked by myself and others to prepare for the fight of my life. I had learned to quell the negative voices, to fight back and submit my inner wuss. I developed the ability, skill and mindset to push to failure and muster everything I had to push a little more. I understood the pain of burning muscles and lungs, of utter fatigue, of sprains, strains, tears, breaks, cuts, and injury. I knew how to push through a lot of pain. I understood victory and defeat, trying and failing, and how to keep going, come back and succeed. I sought out ways to push myself harder, I never backed down…even when it probably would have been smarter. My nature had been forged to fight, push and never give up. I wanted to be an example of hard work and toughness. Well, it paid off when I would get more pain than could ever be imagined, fatigue and pain that didn’t stop. More agony, doubt, fear and emotional, mental and physical warfare than I ever had faced. But, I kept saying, “I might have cancer but, cancer can’t have me” and “I will fight until I live or die, I will never give up or give in” I wanted to live to see my kids grow up. I wanted to live!

Life Is A Fight, Fight Back!

Life is a fight, fight back! No matter what you will be fighting something at sometime. Addiction, anxiety, bad decisions bad ideas, death, depression, doubt, emotions, failure, frustration…I could keep going. But, we were created to fight from the beginning. Do not fight your own nature, which is to fight back and survive. Know what you’re fight for and who you’re fighting for and get to fighting. Believe me, you are not alone! 

Growth Demands Struggle

Growth demands struggle and struggle demands endurance. Struggle never tires, never gives in or gives up and ends up bringing the best of who we are out. Therefore, honor the struggle and seek it out so you can struggle through it and reap the rewards facing it and fighting through it.

Forward Head Springs

Forward head springs is a great athletic warmup used in wrestling and all grappling arts. The better athlete you become the easier it is to learn physical movements… not rocket science.