Be Precise With Your Training

Using the ‘escala’ to direct the precision of your attack angles is important. Having a visual cue allows you to really focus on how and where you are striking (stick, blade, empty hand). A simple concept, but one I think needs addressing.

Carenza – Stroking Patterns – Deflections

Adding to our basic striking methods, there are countless numbering systems and stroking patterns. The key is creating patterns that work for you, that deal with the realities of combat and work to maximize your body mechanics.

Primary to the Filipino Martial Arts are the defenses and deflection to a multitude of attacks. Defense has 4 primary parts: Zoning (angling away from or cutting away the power of the strike), the Deflection (block or redirect incoming attack), the Checking Hand (the alive hand which aides in the deflection to reduce power, controls, grips or wraps the incoming stick and/or hand/arm delivering the strike…) and always the Follow Up Counterattack.

One of the goals of Carenza is to flow and fluidly connect all of your movements together. You want to visualize incoming attacks and move with focus and purpose to develop effective movements.

Be creative and have fun! Carenza is your own expression of movement. Your personality, your feelings and thoughts coming out in your movement. Do not be over critical, do not seek a set pattern, but rather simply enjoy moving.

Carenza Basics

As we will have more time to train on our own I want to share some of my thoughts on one of my favorite solo training methods – Carenza. Carenza is my primary morning exercise and one I will use throughout the day. Though you are using techniques and movements that are definitely combative, my goal with it is therapeutic. It is a great way to loosen and build mobility in you shoulders, elbows, wrists, spine, hips and lower body.

Today, I will break down some of the basic movements used with a single stick. The goal is to be flowing and fluid. – Figure 8, X, Redondo, Abinico, Florette, and Jab. Have fun and stay tuned.

Be Last – STXKICKBOXING – Erik Paulson – Greg Nelson

Erik Paulson & Greg Nelson during the STXKICKBOXING session from the 2011 MMA Super Seminar in Minnesota.

Be Last! Using Savate movements and rapid fire pressure to gain the edge in a striking round. Some great cameos of world class martial artists and fighters in this one. Sean Sherk, Nat McIntyre, Kaitlin Rose Young.

Elbow Drills

Elbow Drills

Module 1 Basic Techniques

  • Unit 1 Down Elbow
  • Unit 2 Snap Elbow
  • Unit 3 Up Elbow
  • Unit 4 Diagonal Up Elbow
  • Unit 5 Down – Snap – Down
  • Unit 6 Snap – Down – Snap
  • Unit 7 Down – Up – Down
  • Unit 8 Up – Down – Up
  • Unit 9 Up – Down – Snap
  • Unit 10 Up – Snap – Down
  • Unit 11 Snap – Up – Snap
  • Unit 12 Up – Snap – Down
  • Unit 13 Up – Down – Snap
  • Unit 14 2 Down – Snap – 2 Down
  • Unit 15 1 Up – 2 Down
  • Unit 16 Rear Up – 2 Snap
  • Unit 17 Lead Up – 2 Snap
  • Unit 18 Rear Up – 2 Down
  • Unit 19 Jab – Cross – 2 Down
  • Unit 20 Jab – Cross – 2 Rear Up
  • Unit 21 Jab – Cross – 2 Lead up
  • Unit 22 Jab – Cross – Snap – 2 Down
  • Unit 23 Jab – Cross – Down – Snap – Down
  • Unit 24 Jab – Cross – Snap – Down – Snap
  • Unit 25 Scoop The Jab – 2 Down
  • Unit 26 Scoop The Cross – 2 Snap
  • Unit 27 Cover The Lead Hook – 2 Snap
  • Unit 28 Cover The Rear Hook – 2 Down
  • Unit 29 Cover The Rear Overhand – 2 Down
  • Unit 30 Cover The Rear Overhand – 2 Snap
  • Unit 31 Block The Rear Uppercut – 2 Snap
  • Unit 32 Block The Lead Uppercut – 2 Down
  • Unit 33 Counter The Cross With Inside Up Elbow – 2 Down
  • Unit 34 Counter The Jab With Outside Up Elbow – 2 Down
  • Unit 35 Snap – Lead Backhand – 2 Down
  • Unit 36 Down – Rear Backhand – 2 Snap
  • Unit 37 Snap – Lead Backhand – Down – Rear Backhand
  • Unit 38 Down – Rear Backhand – Snap – Lead Backhand
  • Unit 39 Jab – Cross – Left Grab – 2 Down
  • Unit 40 Jab – Cross – Right Grab – 2 Snap
  • Unit 41 Conclusion

Drill Rounds – MMA Style

Drill Rounds – MMA Style

Module 1 Basic Combinations

  • Unit 1 Outside Check – Kick – 2 Hands – Shoot
  • Unit 2 Inside Cover – Kick – 2 Hands – Shoot
  • Unit 3 Scoop The Foot Jab – Soft Kick – Kick – 2 Hands – Shoot
  • Unit 4 Lean Back Kick Evasion – Kick – 2 Hands – Shoot
  • Unit 5 Summary

Drill Rounds – Muay Thai Style

Drill Rounds – Muay Thai Style

Module 1 Basic Techniques

  • Unit 1 Overview
  • Unit 2 Outside Leg Check – Double Kick
  • Unit 3 Scoop The Foot Jab – Soft Kick – Double Kick
  • Unit 4 Inside Cover – Double Kick
  • Unit 5 Lean Back Kick Evasion – Double Kick
  • Unit 6 Skip Knees
  • Unit 7 Double Knees
  • Unit 8 Long Knee
  • Unit 9 Up Knee
  • Unit 10 Hook Knee
  • Unit 11 Down Elbow
  • Unit 12 Horizontal Elbow
  • Unit 13 Up Elbow
  • Unit 14 Elbows – Down – Horizontal – Down