You Can Observe A Lot By Watching
Watching soldiers doing CQB with the then Commanding General United States Army Maneuver Center of Excellence Fort Benning. Now retired from the Army, he established The Fettiter Group LLC using “Hands-On inspired Leadership.” He uses the fundamentals of BJJ to teach how to overcome any obstacle and develop high performance teams. He is a black belt in BJJ. Also watching with Kris Perkins, a retired NCO with multiple tours of combat and awards for valor under fire. Kris is a BJJ black belt and was one of the first 5 Modern Army Combatives Black Belts under Matt Larsen. It has always been an honor to work the Military (Air Force, Army, Marines and Navy) and help with Combatives in any way. I have met some of the best people I know in the military. I have learned a lot and it has also broadened my perspective on Combatives and self defense.